UKS Bitumen Primer emulsion is the easy-to-use primer material provided by mixing water and bitumen with special techniques.
Product Description
UKS Bitumen Primer emulsion is the easy-to-use primer material provided by mixing water and bitumen with special techniques.

Usage Areas
It is used as primer under bitumen waterproofing membranes and bitumen based liquid water insulation products.

Advantages of Product
It is applied cold; thus it is easy to use. It does not include flammable and toxic materials. Thus it can be used safely at indoors and outdoors. After water within it evaporates, it forms a water repellent layer that is insoluble in water in the surface. It easily adheres to all kinds of surfaces. It is an economical material.

Surface Preparation
After being mixed with water at the rate of 20% in maximum, it is applied to the surface by isolated brush, roller or sprayer gun. Application surface should be cleared of dust, oil, construction wastes and dirt and should be dry. Application should not be performed in rainy weather and on wet floors. It gets dry approximately in 4-24 hours, depending on weather conditions.

UKS Bitumen Primer emulsion removes the effect of materials such as dust or soil on the surface that prevents adhesion and let you obtain a clear surface. UKS Bitumen Primer emulsion is used as primer before application of UKS Bitumen membrane. Owing to its high adhesion feature, it provides bitumen membranes applied on it to adhere to the concrete surface stronger and without spaces.

Never apply in rainy weather and on wet floors. In case that material must be diluted, you can obtain the intended consistency by mixing it with water.

Package     Tin bucket of 18 kgs
Appearance     Dark brown - black viscous liquid
Surface Temperature     +5 °C / +35 °C
Wastage     For single floor - 400grs / m2
Storage     Shelf life - 12 months. Products should be stacked in a cool and dry place.